Vermillion Enterprises: We Buy BGS Graded Sports Cards
We buy PSA, BGS, and SGC graded sports cards.
Having your sports cards graded can be a challenge. Vermillion Enterprises is here to help you understand the Grading Process a little better. Check out BGS’s Grading Scale. However, you might want to check out PSA and SGC as well!
BGS Grading Scale
BGS Grades on a Scale of 1-10. However, they also include descending one-half point increments into their grading. They offer easily identifiable Color Coding as well. Top-graded cards have either a Gold or Silver Label. All other Grades have a white label.
Pristine 10No virtual perfection. Absolute perfection. Centering: 50/50 on the front and 60/40 percent or better on the back. Corners: Perfect at first look and Mint under magnification. Edges: Perfect at first look and nearly free of flaws under magnification. Surface: No printing imperfections or spots. Flawless coloration. High gloss perfection. No scratches or print lines. Focus is impeccable. |
Gem Mint 9.5
Mint 9Centering: 50/45 on the front and 70/30 percent or better on the back. Corners: Mint at close inspection but slight imperfections under magnification. Edges: Virtually perfect at close inspection and mostly free of flaws under magnification. But minor specks of chipping on the borders is allowed. Surface: A few minor print spots only detectable under magnification or one minor noticeable spot. Minor focus issues or coloration imperfections. Gloss is mostly intact; however, with only one or two tiny scratches barely noticeable at close inspection. One faint and barely noticeable print line is allowed. |
Near Mint/Mint 8Centering: 60/40 on the front and 80/20 percent or better on the back. Corners: Sharp at close inspection but slight imperfections under magnification. Edges: Borders are relatively smooth. Specks of chipping visible upon close inspection. Surface: A few minor print spots noticeable under close inspection. Minor focus issues or coloration imperfections. Gloss is mostly intact; however, it has one or two tiny scratches barely noticeable at close inspection. One faint and barely noticeable print line is allowed. |
Near Mint 7
Excellent Mint 6
Excellent 5
Very Good/Excellent 4
Very Good 3
Good 2
Poor 1
BGS Grading Scale: Autographs
We buy BGS Graded Autograph Cards too! Paying TOP DOLLAR. Cash. BGS Autographs are graded on a scale of 5-10.
10 |
The Bold & The Beautiful. Nearly perfect at first glance. Plus, centered perfectly. Aesthetically-pleasing autograph. |
9 |
Pleasing signature. Slight imperfections in which do not detract from the autograph. Light bubbling, micro-scratching allowed. As well as, no yellowing, fading, smearing. Positioning should be near perfect. |
8 |
Slight noticeable flaws. Pleasing signature. Slight bubbling or minor scuffing/scratching that detracts from the signature’s beauty. |
7 |
Noticeable flaws. Heavy bubbling, scratching. Minor, but noticeable, yellowing or fading. Small but obvious smearing. Up to 20% of a cut autograph may be hidden, or 20% of a sticker auto may be missing. A portion of the signature may run off the card or may bleed onto the edge. |
6 |
Heavy flaws: bubbling, scratching, missing autograph parts. Highly distracting. Extreme yellowing, significant smearing. Up to 35% of a cut autograph/sticker may be hidden/missing. Several letters of the signature may run off the card, bleeding onto the edge or opposite side of the card. |
5 |
Heavy flaws: bubbling, scratching, missing autograph parts. Likewise, it is highly distracting. Extreme yellowing, significant smearing, or fading. In fact, over 50% of a cut autograph/sticker may be hidden/missing. |
Live in or near Spring Hill FL, Lutz FL, New Port Richey FL, Hudson FL, Crystal River FL, Inverness FL, Brooksville FL or surrounding counties – Pinellas, Hillsborough, Citrus, stop in and say hi! We are interested in buying your BGS Graded Sports Cards.